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Annual & Interim Re-Examinations

The re-examination process is a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requirement that allows DETCOG to review participant income and household composition and to adjust the household’s level of assistance accordingly. Regular re-examinations must be performed at least annually.


Family circumstances may change between annual reexaminations. HUD and PHA policies dictate what kinds of information about changes in family circumstances must be reported, and under what circumstances the PHA must process interim reexaminations to reflect those changes. HUD regulations also permit the PHA to conduct interim reexaminations of income or family composition at any time. When an interim reexamination is conducted, only those factors that have changed are verified and adjusted [HCV GB, p. 12-10]. In addition to specifying what information the family must report, HUD regulations permit the family to request an interim determination if other aspects of the family’s income or composition changes. The PHA must complete the interim reexamination within a reasonable time after the family’s request. 

Annual Re-examination Process

The effective date of a regular re-examination is determined when participants are first admitted to the program. Generally, the month of your review does not change.


  • Prior to the effective date, you will be mailed a re-examination notice or packet. Normally, the process starts around 4 months in advance.

  • If you are an elderly or disabled household with an approved Reasonable Accommodation, you will be scheduled for a mail-in re-examination; if you are not an elderly or disabled household, you will be scheduled for an in-office appointment.

  • If you have been scheduled for an in-office appointment, all household members 18 or older must attend this appointment.

  • Households with in-office appointments will complete the required re-examination documents through DETCOG’s AssistanceCheck online portal. You must complete all documents through AssistanceCheck no less than 30 days prior to your scheduled in-office appointment.

  • You will be notified, in writing, if additional information is needed.

  • After all required documents are received, your Housing Specialist will review and will follow up with one or more of the HUD-approved methods for obtaining verification of income.

  • You will be notified in writing of your rent portion including the effective date of the change.


Failure to return paperwork or to show for your appointment may result in the termination of your assistance.


Interim Re-examination Process

Change in Family Composition. The family is required to report all changes in family composition.  The PHA will conduct interim reexaminations to account for any changes in household composition that occur between annual reexaminations.


The addition of a family member as a result of birth, adoption, or court-awarded custody does not require PHA approval. However, the family must inform the PHA of the birth, adoption, or court-awarded custody of a child within 10 business days.  With the exception of children who join the family as a result of birth, adoption, or court-awarded custody, a family must request PHA approval to add a new family member or other household member.


The PHA will not approve the addition of a new family or household member unless the individual meets the PHA’s eligibility criteria (see Chapter 3) and documentation requirements


Change in Household Income. Families are required to report all increases in earned income, including new employment, within 10 business days of the date the change takes effect. 


If the family share of the rent is to increase: The increase generally will be effective on the first of the month following 30 days’ notice to the family.   

If a family fails to report a change within the required time frames, or fails to provide all required information within the required time frames, the increase will be applied retroactively, to the date it would have been effective had the information been provided on a timely basis. The family will be responsible for any overpaid subsidy.


If the family share of the rent is to decrease:  The decrease will be effective on the first day of the month following the month in which the change was reported and all required documentation was submitted. In cases where the change cannot be verified until after the date the change would have become effective, the change will be made retroactively. 




For recertification, you must provide source documents from all income sources including: 

  • Two (2) consecutive check stubs from each employer;

  • Child support;

  • Food stamps



Zero Income Families:

You must report any recurring cash/gifts received and must also complete a Zero Income Worksheet. Reported income should support the amount of expenses reported. Expenses reported must be reasonable.


Families reporting zero income will be reviewed quarterly.

Recert Forms

Methods for Obtaining Verification of Income

DETCOG must use the HUD-provided verification guidance to verify all information that is used to calculate housing assistance. The highest level of verification must be used when available. These methods are listed below in order of importance.

  • Enterprise Income Verification (EIV), Up-front Income Verification (UIV) - HUD-approved, computer-based sources of income verification.

  • Third-party written verification - an original or authentic document generated by a third-party source.

  • Third-party verbal verification - the process of directly contacting the income source by phone.

  • Certification/self declaration - written statement of fact by applicant or participant family.

Methods Income Verf.
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