Current voucher holders may “port” their Housing Choice Voucher outside of DETCOG’s jurisdiction. However, if at the time your name comes up on the waiting list and you are issued a voucher and you reside outside of DETCOG’s jurisdiction, you must utilize the voucher within the DETCOG jurisdiction for at least 12 months before porting out.
Participants may not port out if they are in violation of family obligations or if they owe a balance to DETCOG or to their landlord.
For Admission to the voucher program, a family must be income eligible in the area where the family initially leases a unit with assistance under the program. If an applicant family exercises portability, the income limit of the receiving PHA is used.
DO NOT MOVE BEFORE COMPLETING ALL OF THE PORTABILITY PAPERWORK AND GETTING APPROVAL FROM YOUR HOUSING SPECIALIST. Failure to do so may result in loss of your voucher and cause you to be responsible for your full rent payment.​

Clients wishing to transfer their voucher to DETCOG's jurisdiction should notify their Housing Specialist in their current jurisdiction for guidance.
The Housing Authority where they currently live should send all Portability paperwork to:
Deep East Texas Regional Housing Authority
1405 Kurth Drive
Lufkin, Texas 75904-1929
Phone: 936-238-7771, Ext 5301
Fax: 844-975-1212